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If we want to describe what a prayer is, the most suitable form of it is: a conversation with God.
A prayer doesn’t always happen in words, it can be a sigh or a thought without a word. The point is the inner contact with God. It is one form of the divine grace and its fundamental condition is the FAITH. The more alive my faith is, the more I hear the guiding voice. I feel and understand that I am listened to and I get answers to my questions. Of course, everybody could use it however we deprive ourselves from the experience and the feeling if we search for it with spiritually undeveloped soul or with brain or if we look for it without faith. 
Prayers, unfortunately, in nowadays churches mean something else. I don’t understand when people say the written things together; they ask God according to a “cliché” and say Amen to such things that they don’t think over. The Bible clearly says that “You didn’t wish sacrifice or gift”.   There is no need for hypocrisy, externals or such acts which don’t spring from the soul if we desire for a relationship with God. Saying a word with folded hands or bended down head will remain only a word until our spirit is not in it with naked sincerity. 
During talking to God, don’t forget that He sees inside us. He sees through our souls’ every nook, He knows our intentions, thoughts and wishes. If I can’t be absolutely sincere to myself, it means that I can’t be sincere to God either. Our biggest deficiency is that we are hardly curious to God’s “opinion”. We only search for the connection with Him when we get into such a situation, by our human frailty and selfishness, which we are not able to solve. We rebel many times against things we don’t like, against happenings that don’t happen so as we planned and we fail. 
Looking at the sky we ask: Oh my Lord, why?
Let’s make some questions in ourselves before making accusations:
- Did God tell me to do so as I did?
- Did I ask for His help when I made the decision?
- Did I act so as he told me?
- Did I tell nevertheless: “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”?
- Am I able to accept that only those things are good for me, in my life, which happen according to God’s will?
Answering these questions the accusatory disposition disappears if we reply sincerely.
We can ask anything from God. 
It reflects our dispositions when our prayers contain only requests. Remember! Prayers are conversations with God. Putting the “list of wishes” into words into in prayers (without feeling or giving thanks), it embodies a “fathomless stomach” and the people who do so didn’t get anything. Because if they had got something, they would say thanks to our Lord’s love and grace. 
If I pray only at that time when I need something but I can’t give thanks, I mustn’t be surprised at not feeling the divine powers. 
The aim is to work hard for the continuous relationship with God which is the inextinguishable desire for the conversations with Him. When things go on as we like or wished, how many times do we remember to our God,
Everybody knows the answer to it if they look into themselves. 
PRAYERS must be holy for us by confessing ourselves our acts, desires sins and everything which works in us. 
Our aim must be the sincere confession towards ourselves to be able to carry the things we have before God. He sees what we have. There is no point in putting things to it or taking thing away from it. Everybody can trust in God’s help that their prayers will come true if they appear before God with sincere heart. 
We are God’s children and He waits for us to ask Him that will stand us in good stea. 
His hands are not tied with the nature, although He is the creator, nor with any other obstacles. GOD’S LOVE ALWAYS HAS ITS OWN WAYS FREELY.
Be God blessed for ever for His endless grace, to us, which spring from His love. God waits for us although we wasted His gifts. 
My God, let me be closer and closer to You and let me live among Your people.




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