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Easter IV.

                On the occasion of Easter IV.


Our Lord, Jesus Christ became a man for us by manifesting. His earthly life and the reaction of the world to the Word professed by Him was an obvious answer what waits for the people who want to follow Him.

My heart is full of sadness many times because I know very few people who are similarly touched by the Word. This infected world where I can hear God and Jesus ‘names in swearing on street and squares. I sometimes feel that there is nobody who has desire for the Word in his heart. Of course, there is always in my mind that the sheep will be driven so it means there are sheep. And I know that i must see Christ in everybody.

I must confess it is not easy many times.

There is no change in God as there is no change in the Word, that Jesus brought us, either. We mustn’t delude ourselves. If we really feel the Word and act in its mentality, we will experience Jesus. The world wasn’t against Jesus’ personality but that He brought, the Word. If I profess the same Word with my life, people will be similarly against me but not really against me but the Word. The truth is if anyone is against the Word, he is against himself. My life can’t be accompanied with huge acceptation, peace or calmness without coincidences. Everybody must go throughout the Stations of the Cross and carry his cross who wants to be similar to Him. The surrounding crowd, which was around Him, is the same as it is today. That narrow path is surrounded with the same things as they are today such as dispising, mocking, being looked as a fool, abuses, being considered from the devil, spittle, curses, betrayal, humiliation and lying accusations. However, all of these can’t be measured to the “reward”. I don’t say this like someone who suffers from these things day by day concentrated, not even who has already seen the real reward.  But when God, from His endless grace, presents me (when my disposition is suitable) with Christ’ peace even if I am a fallible man among sins with an uncompleted soul, it is the miracle itself. With this kind of disposition a man can feel the yoke beautiful and the greater space a man let for God, the lighter the yoke becomes.
What is the real “reward”? Is it if these experiences make the world around me end? Is it if God can make me feel the peace and calmness of the heavenly home?  Whatever it is that we can win on this path, one thing I can bravely state: it is such a “present” that can’t be grasped with human mind and it towers above every earthly wish.

A disciple can’t greater than his mentor so we can’t be superior to Christ. Many could say that who said we could be superior to Him if we can’t reach His greatness. But God’s Word tells that when everything will be subjected to Christ He will be subjected to God as well. How does a man, who over-mystificates Him, explain this? I don’t want to make Him smaller indeed I want to shed light on His greatness. There is no distinction of persons in God. If everyone will be subjected, everybody will identify themselves with the Christ-brought teachings and they will become one. So, what will make them different from Christ if they identify themselves with it totally?
These words can seem blasphemy for many people but I believe these words’ truth because god’s Word make me feel and see se by His grace that scratches the scales from my eyes when I stay in His direction.

My Father, Be your holy name blessed for ever and your Son, our Lord, Jesus the Christ who is our assigned priest as the order of Melchisedec.

                                                    Gábor Gédert

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